Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Life is so busy. I don't get on here as much as I would like. I am in the process of moving, and getting a new job. I have to go back to reality. lol I have LOVED my nanny job! I will miss them! I have taken a teaching position in Idaho, where Kamron lives. I will be teaching a third-fourth combination at a private school.
The moving process is as follows... Holly and I are roommates, our lease is up today. I don't move to Idaho until August 7. So I am moving all of my things to Holly's new place and staying with her for a week. Holly is such a wonderful friend. THANK YOU HOLLY!
So not only have I been packing to move but I am only taking what ever fits into my car. So far I have put my things in two yard sales, and have made two trips to the goodwill. I have also sold the big things like my bed and etc. I'm almost finished though. YEA! Well I have to be finished tonight, our lease is up. lol I am at the place now where there is a lot of little things sitting around. Not sure what to do with them. Do I keep this or do I toss it. So I have a fun evening planned ahead of me.


Carrie said...

Boo Hoo! I will miss you (even though I don't get to see you often). It's just knowing that you're only a couple hours away that comforting, I guess.

I'm happy for you, starting this new adventure and all, and I hope everything goes well!

Love ya!

Kim M. said...

I am NOT jealous of the moving part. That is so, so exhausting. I am with Carrie about you moving so far away.